Wednesday I met an Orbital user in real life.

I was hacking in Pacific Standard and talking to a friend who introduced me to her friend who later said “You’re the guy who makes Orbital Feed Reader?”.
Then I hugged him.

But wait, there's more

5 thoughts on “Wednesday I met an Orbital user in real life.

  1. Hi,

    Great plugin! Was wondering where the best place is to keep posted about updates and stuff. Thanks for the hard work on it.


    1. Hi Jules!
      Thanks you – I’m always happy to meet folks who are using it. So far, this site is the place where I’m making announcements like this. I should have a new one out soon to cover 0.2.0 and 0.2.1 – I forgot to make an announcement on 0.2.0 which has a bunch of great features!

      I’m always interested in talking with folks about the feed reader or ways they think it could be improved – and I’m definitely interested in collaborators and co-conspirators.

    2. Oh – one other thing. Would you mind rating it? The only review on is a 2 star review from someone who has stopped using WordPress and can’t help me fix or find any of his issues. It’s a bit disappointing.

      1. There you go!

        What I am looking for in the end is to get excerpts automatically in posts on my own site. I am not a developer myself, but definitely willing to help where I can.

        Cheers Jules

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