Project Idea: WordpRSS

The place where you speak should be the place where you listen.

You go to your wordpress blog to communicate out to the world.  You probably have email at your own domain name.  You host your pictures up on your own Gallery or FuckFlickr installation.

Why should you be taking in the world from Google Reader or Facebook?  I’m currently using the amazing Tiny Tiny RSS, which is a pretty sweet clone of Google Reader.  I think it would be perfect if you had a wordpress plugin that emulated this, so your dashboard in wordpress allowed you to either push info out to the world or take it in, all on the same screen.  When you star or comment on items, why not have widgets available that actually present those out on your home page?

I really like how my friends on Google Reader are commenting on links they find.  It’s an intimate peek into what they find amazing on the web.  If you aren’t subscribed, you should click here to subscribe to my link feed.

Who knows when I’ll get around to this, but it feels right.  Like it is something that has to happen. By the way – I made some wireframes of wordprss.

But wait, there's more

8 thoughts on “Project Idea: WordpRSS

    1. I do have an OPML file, but it has some private RSS feeds in there. If I make wordprss I would put in private/public markers for RSS feeds.
      Then your public OPML URL would include only your public facing feeds.

      The other thing I'd like to do is allow OMPL delegation in the RSS reader. Say I know someone who reads all the best javascript stuff. I'd like to subscribe to all of the feeds he has in the category JS in his opml. Something like that.

      1. That's exactly what I wanted to do. I'm asking as many interesting people as I can for their OPML in order to discover new sources and see where they overlap.

        What is a private feed? Isn't RSS public by nature?

        1. almost forgot:
          Private RSS feeds are feeds that are intended just for a user. As most RSS readers don't support authentication in RSS, people have hacked in a sort of revocation mechanism. The URL for a private feed contains a key of some sort, like "a23raod082" – so you can subscribe to – and if you ever think that feed is compromised, you can just regenerate a new key.

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