Daily Archives: 2009-09-24

links for 2009-09-24

  • The stupidest thing I have read in a long time. The most self refuting thing I have read.
  • Currently available packages (needs updating)

    * toxi.audio
    * toxi.color
    * toxi.geom
    o 2d/3d vector maths, AABB, sphere, plane, triangle, ray, octree, spline, 4×4 matrix, intersection tests
    o OBJ and STL exporters (able to support massive files, with optional STL colour support) (see project case study)
    * toxi.math
    o common interpolation methods (demo included in download)
    o some (collected) faster & convenient implementations of assorted common math functions
    o sin/cos lookup tables
    o perlin & simplex noise
    o wave generators
    * toxi.physics
    o basic 2d & 3D particle physics engine with verlet integration
    * toxi.image.util
    o grayscale image filters
    * toxi.util.datatypes
    o TypedProperties class for dealing with Java property files
    o ArrayUtil
    o float/integer ranges (with/without bias), singleton registry