Tag Archives: jme

JME is trying Veganism

She’s been vegetarian for a long time, but is trying veganism as a sort of cleanse. Sure, she thinks her body is revolting, but I think it’s just the light. Sorry, can’t resist a groucho marx bit!

She’s also giving up booze for a bit. I can understand doing that as well.

I like to play with these same things. When I originally gave up meat, I did it because Sam and I had overdone it so much on a trip to Las Vegas that we couldn’t look at flesh without feeling ill. We discovered that if you stayed away long enough, you didn’t miss it. Anything that you think you crave, that consumes you – that’s a thing you want to be careful around. When I’ve found myself constantly out drinking with folks and having a wonderful time, that’s when I eventually want to pull back and show myself that I can have a great time without all that.

I think we all move in waves of moderation and indulgence and asceticism to some degree. It’s healthy to pour yourself into joyous pleasure. It’s also healthy to take a break, to pull back and realign yourself. Recalibrate. Give the old machine you ride in a bit of a cleanup and workover.

The saddest part of her excellent post:

Unless you can explain that you have a problem (and they’ll probably try and talk you out of that as well) if your friends drink, they will be highly disturbed by this decision. Just telling them I wanted to clean myself (read: liver) out a bit and get into shape brought on looks of ridicule. My partner has absolutely no problem quaffing beer while I drink sparkling water or unsweetened Iced tea but others will not even hang out with me one-on-one if I’m not drinking and they are. I think that’s sad.

If you find yourself being this person – it’s a good time to take a look at why you need someone else to take a drink.

Battery $1, $1, $1

I noticed the other day that I no longer see any of the battery mexicans or the squeaky toy chinese ladies. Where did they go? It may be that I am spending less time on the subway, but I expressed my worries to my friend in SC. She had some theories:

As far as the price of batteries going up is concerned I’m not sure that’s the

problem. At Home Depot, here in Columbia, you can get a 24 pack of AA

energizer batteries for 11.22 after taxes which would yield a profit of 3

cents a battery but at Sam’s Club a 24 pack of generic AA batteries is 12.47

giving you a loss of 2 cents a battery if you are selling 2 for a dollar. I

can only imagine, prices being what they are up there, that there might be an

even greater loss. On the other hand… if you order batteries from

CheapBatteries.com you can get them for 21 cents each and I’m not sure how

much the shipping might be but it can’t add that much to each battery, less

than a cent really because I think you get something like 1500.00 batteries.

Therefore, my guess is that, because of rising internet connection prices,

those people selling the batteries have had to drop their connections or

memberships to the cafes and cannot order their batteries online, making the

profit margin drop and causing them to turn to other occupations.


Because the threat level has risen in NYC, they aren’t allowed to bring large

quantities of them on trains because they could use them as some sort of



Nobody uses disposable batteries anymore because of the recharable types.


The heat caused all the batteries to leak and everyone selling them is in the

hospital from acid burns.

Hope that helps.
