Monthly Archives: May 2006

Net Art: We Feel Fine / by Jonathan Harris and Sepandar Kamvar

We Feel Fine / by Jonathan Harris and Sepandar Kamvar

It’s not just pretty. This applet polls various rss feeds and collects posts where people describe how they feel. Then it uses various relationships and attributes to present that data in innovative ways.

These various graphs are playful and informative. Found this via MonkeyBites, which has a great writeup. Also of note is an API so that other artists can use this search without having to do the backend coding.

Why don’t ratings travel?

I’m using musikcube as the player for my music and it has 5 star ratings. So does windows media player on my pocketpc. So does iTunes. But they never translate between them!

How could they?

One way would be to store it in the id3 comments tag. Both id31 and id3v2 formats support comments. This is a great place to store ratings as text. ***** is 5 stars and anyone can read it. What would make sense is to store ratings in the last 5 characters of the comment field. Then, when changing or loading ratings, you can push or pull from that location.

After doing a little more research, I found that id3v2 supports freeform key=value tagging. Now it seems that all you need is for players to start reading and writing a custom ratings tag.

Why is this important? Because time you spend rating songs in itunes or musikcube or anything else is valuable. That’s valuable info about your song that only you know. If it is lost everytime you switch from an ipod to an iriver, it is less valuable.

If I download a creative commons track or rip a cd at work and rate it in musikcube, I should be able to take that track to my home and have my ratings show up there. The information I put into it loses value if it is bound up in one location or one player.

Update:  It turns out that Foobar2000 in some configurations does store ratings in id3 tags.

NYC: The mirror collapses but the image does not

This post from three quarks really captures the difference between the nyc I seem to live and the one people see.

When I first told my dad I was moving to manhattan he was worried that the city would eat me up. I got here and was impressed with just how easy and safe it all was. In my years here I’ve only had two things stolen( three if you count the bike tires separately) and they were mistakes on my part.

Check it out.
