Daily Archives: 2006-05-02

look who’s on flickr now

originally uploaded by jrblackwell.

One of my favorite writers from the http://365Tomorrows.com website is on Flickr! Did I find this by looking around on the web for it? No.

I found it by reading the blog of Warren Ellis, a comics writer that I’ve never actually read any comics from.

In the future, more than 4 degrees of seperation for any 2 people speaking the same language will mean that one of them doesn’t own a computer.

RSS needs conditional GET

This got me thinking: I wish there was a list somewhere of those rss readers that implement http’s conditional get. It’s really important to the development of RSS for clients to play nice with server’s rss feeds. Conditional get is a way for people to play nice by asking servers: “Should I even bother checking this feed?” and servers can say: “Nothing’s changed, see you in a bit.”

This lowers bandwidth for everyone, and makes it cheaper for people to provide handy dandy services like the Unofficial podcast for This American Life or The unofficial Exploding Dog Feed.

So say you want to be a good community member and use a reader that supports conditional GET. Where do you find out who supports it?